Eat Healthy. Live Longer

Written by M V

September 2, 2020

Eat Healthy. Live Longer

by Truth & Wisdom

With everything that is going on in the world I decided to change up my message this week. Still keeping my message on a positive note but focus the message on health.

Those who know me would probably think I was a majority stake holder in Burger King, as much as I love to eat Whoppers. The very first time I ever had Fast Food, I was 5 or 6, my older brother took me and I ate a burger from Burger King. Growing up in the 70’s it was not often you would eat at a Fast Food restaurant but I lived on them. I went to Burger King for lunch every day during my 6th and 7th grade that I knew the price of every item on the menu.

Fast forwarding decades later and having reached the 50 year milestone, I have decided that it doesn’t make sense to be rich if your sick or dead and can’t enjoy what you’ve worked for, so I have made a conscious effort to change my eating habits TODAY!

Those that are familiar with Dr. Sebi know that he was an advocate for eating healthy and living a long life by eating foods from the earth and staying away from all the foods that are not natural for our body. I watched him talk about the eating habits of animals and how you don’t see a polar bear eating the same foods that a monkey in the tropics would eat or an animal that lives in the desert. For this reason he said why so many humans have health problems because we eat anything.

For those that are not aware, cancer is not natural for us to have. In many cases cancer is caused by the poor choices in food we eat. The biggest culprit for disease in our body is mucus. When we have mucus in our nostrils we have a head cold. When we have mucus in our lungs we have Bronchitis. When we have mucus in our joints we have arthritis. If we remove the mucus and toxins from our body, not only will we live longer but also a more healthier life and for many that are currently on medications may be able to reverse the effects and no longer need medications for us to live a healthy lifestyle.

Today! I am making the decision to Live Healthy and Live Longer so I wanted to share some healthy and non-healthy foods to remove mucus from the body and the toxins from our blood. I am no health expert and for anyone I would say check with your doctor before doing anything.

Below are 7 foods to avoid and the 7 foods to remove toxins and mucus from the body. There are others but these are a great start.

7 foods to avoid

  1. Processed Meats
    1. Healthy alternative (Portobello Mushrooms, Jackfruit)
  2. Energy Drinks
    1. Healthy alternative (Spring or alkaline water)
  3. White Bread
    1. Healthy alternative (Wheat bread or Quinoa)
  4. French Fries
    1. Healthy alternative (Sweet Potatoes)
  5. Processed Cheese & Cottage Cheese
    1. Healthy alternative (Raw Almond Butter)
  6. Ice Cream
    1. Healthy alternative (Put Blueberry’s in the freezer)
  7. Milk – Tons of mucus
    1. Healthy alternative (Almond, Coconut or Cashew Milk)

7 foods to Eat (Great for removing mucus and toxins from the body)

  1. Oregano
  2. Parsley
  3. Limes
  4. Burdock Root
  5. Water Crest
  6. Peaches
  7. Soursop

Ten Foods to Always Eat

  1. Bananas – B6 High in Potassium. Improves digestion. Has ceratonin, boost your mood. Improves cardio vascular
  2. Avocado – Prevents Maculardegeneration (see better). Reduces bad cholesterol
  3. Brown, Black or Wild Rice – High in iron. Reduces risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  4. Leafy Greens – Kale, Watercrest
  5. Coconut – High in Loric Acid. Good for Immune System
  6. Grapes w/seeds – Helps prevent cancer
  7. Lime & Lemon – Help absorbs iron in the body
  8. Sweet Potato – Vitamin C, E, B6 & Beta Carotene. Lowers blood pressure, improves weight loss
  9. Spiralina – Very high in protein
  10. Chia Seeds – Has more Omega 3 than salmon