To Be Blessed: The uncanny innate ability to succeed over adversity. When you look at the definition of blessed it does not say you will not go through adversity. That you will have no problems and be blessed. That’s not going to happen. You know you’re blessed when you have an uncanny innate ability to succeed over adversity.
Sometimes people will do things with the intention of killing you but some way, some how you succeed over the adversity. Blessed like cursed speaks to the end of a thing. For example, Jesus cursed the fig tree. The word that Jesus spoke over the fig tree caused it to shrivel up and die. God told Adam & Eve, the day you eat of the tree you shall surely die. They ate from the tree and didn’t die but “cursed” speaks to the end of the thing.
If cursed speaks to the end of a thing, it’s equal opposite blessed also speaks to the end of a thing. It doesn’t mean you won’t have trouble or adversity, or tough times but you will rise above. It’s the adversity that you overcome that helps you realize you are blessed.
Adversity helps you measure the extent that you are blessed.