I came across this Youtube video of a woman discussing why most Christians won’t go to Heaven. Although I don’t agree with all her views and stances, I think she makes some very valid points. I think after watching the video we should all take a look at our behavior.
Video 32Min. Rachel Stephens
Below are my own comments based on watching the video.
The commentator does make a valid point regarding lies and the absolute need for repentance. Some of the stuff she says I don’t fully agree with but overall I do think she is right that Christians have gotten way too comfortable with being in the world and act no different than non Christians and will lie and be comfortable with. I think one of the reasons is because Christians have accepted the lie of a pre-Trib rapture and think we can do anything and everything that goes against what Christ stood for because once saved always saved.
Most Christians believe, it doesn’t matter What I do or how I act I will still go to heaven. Based on Revelation 21:8 is this true?
Maybe if we don’t feel the need to repent then we should question ourself or take a good look inward to question are we really being what Jesus called us to be.
Like I said, I don’t agree with everything she says but she does make some valid points that in my opinion we all need to take a look at our life and make the changes needed before it’s too late.