REPARATIONS for slavery & the 400 year curse

Congress Bill H.R. 1242

The screenshot provided is a Bill Congress propossed in 2017 for reparations for African Americans.

Sadly Politicians love to say what they want to do but in the end they don’t do what they propose.

REPARATIONS: what is being done in America and other countries.

The video is a 2019 review of what is being done in America and countries around the world (Video Time 43min)

This video contains major news outlets coverage that they have never covered before.

Fortson, Dante. The 400 Year Prophecy: Fact vs Failure – 2019 from

The 400 Year Curse

For some this may be considered crazy talk and even controversial. Take the information you receive and do your own research and see what conclusion you come up with.


Like any information presented to you, be like the Bereans “Trust but Verify.”

Acts 17:10-13

Have you ever wondered, of all the different races in the world, why does it seem like people of color, but more especially people that are considered of African ancestry are so disliked and even hated?

Teotw Ministries. Endtime Prophecy – True Hebrew – True Hebrews and Armageddon. 2020 from

The 400 Year curse – Endtime prophecy

This video goes over scripture verses from the bible and some Apocrypha verses (Video Time 2hrs)

I watched this video more than once. This is an important video in my opinion because it sheds light on events that are coming and why much has been kept hidden.


Jeremiah 50 & 51

Once you’ve watched the video above (End-Time Prophecy…) take the time to read Jeremiah 50 & 51. Once you do, it’s hard not to see that the only country that fits the prophecy that God gave to Jeremiah is the United States of America.


Many Theologians think they have end-time prophecy all figured out. We MUST always remember we don’t know the mind of God. Therefore God reveals what he wants us to know at the appropriate time. There is a reason this curse is now being talked about.


2020 forward, we will be amazed on everything that will transpire from this time forward. Even if you don’t believe any of what I’ve shared today, take the time to WATCH! and pay attention to Geo-Politics and how it begins to line up with bible prophecy.


If you are of African American decent, don’t be surprised if you start having a feeling in your spirit to return to Africa and leave America.