I’m going to talk about the locust again. What’s interesting about the locust is they have wings, travel for miles, but can’t fly. Their wings are too narrow to fly. But the locust can travel for miles because their strength is in their legs. The locust can’t fly but they can jump. Did you know the locust can jump about 200x’s their height.
We are going to learn from the locust that timing is everything.
When the locust is ready to fly, they do it by propelling themselves. So today we are going to learn how to jump out of our situation and fly into the destiny that is in store for many of us in 2020.
The locust are so smart that they wait to hear the rustling of the trees to know a heavy gust of wind is coming. The locust prepares and gets in the position to jump up into that heavy wind, so the wind will carry them for miles. Their wings act like the wings of a glider to carry them long distances.
Here is the most important lesson to this message. We all have a PURPOSE for our life and a SEASON that our purpose will be activated. God ordains this. We have no control over our purpose and season.
But we can control the TIMING! Most everyone has heard the phrase timing is everything. I’m here to tell you that saying is more profound than most realize. Sometimes we miss our timing but in those cases we usually weren’t prepared.
I want you to know, this is the year God is releasing a great blessing in 2020. Don’t miss the timing of this blessing because it will be a mighty one.
There is a Purpose, Season and Timing to your life